A logo design template is a collection of unique logo designs created by LogoBee, Inc.
"Get It Free" is a shareware version of the image. It is free for general use and/or customize it to use as a logo. The image itself belongs to LogoBee and might be used again in a future.
You are allowed to further customize and develop it as your logo. Once customized, it can be registered and used as a trade mark. Trademarked logos are not just the image itself, but a combination of image, company name, colors, and layout.
Trademark rights developed from the customized logo will be owned by the User.
As soon as you complete your order, you will be diverted to a download page. You can download a complete kit.
The kit will include optimized files for the WEB, including *.GIF 72dpi, *.JPEG 150dpi, and *.PNG-24 (transparent), as well as vector resizable files for printing, including *.AI and *.EPS, and high-resolution image (*.TIFF 300dpi) in RGB color mode.