What is the difference between your Custom Logo Design service and Logo Maker?
There is big difference between these two services. By purchasing one of our Custom logo Design packages our professional in-house designers will create unique one of a kind logo specifically tailored for your brand based on your business profile and design preferences. We will design multiple original concepts from scratch, no clip-art or templates are used in the process. Your approved logo will belong to you, and all the rights to it. It will not be sold or used by anyone else.
When you create your logo in the Logo Maker, you are selecting from a list of already pre-made logo design concepts. You can customize it to your liking and change the company name, but the concept of the logo may have been already used by another user, and it will remain available for a different user in the future.
What is included in the final package?
You will receive FREE PNG transparent file as well as social media ready files for: Facebook, Linkdin, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube. You can purchase SVG vector file for $39
What can I edit and change?
You can edit most of the elements in the logo image and text:
•Add up to 4 different text lines
•Change size, font, color, case, and layout for the text elements
•Edit image: color, size, rotate, flip, change layout, break it apart (ungroup) and remove unnecessary elements, as well as editing color and size of each individual object in the image
•Duplicate images and individual elements
•Add/Remove outline for the image and individual elements
•Add/Edit gradients for the image and individual elements
•Change arrangement – to front, to back
•Change transparency for the image and individual elements
Can I download multiple versions of my logo?
Yes, you can download as many versions as you saved.
Who can you design a logo for?
We specialize in custom logo design for all types of business and organizations. Be it a: restaurant, high-tech, non-profit, religeus, automotive, real-estate, entertaiment, medical, law, finance, education, fashion, sport, personal, or any other industry. We provde on-line professional design services covering the glob. You can view our extensive portfolio here Logo Portfolio
What is the price for custom logo design?
We have several custom logo design packages you can choose from. Please look at our Prices & Order page
Can you design a logo based on my idea and/or scetch?
Yes, this is exactly what we do. We provide custom logo design service based on your business profile, design ideas, and style preferences. We can create a custom logo based on your idea and/or provide our own unique concepts.
Can you create: simple, one color, multicolored, crest, patch/badge, mascot type logo design?
Yes, we can create any logo type: simple, corporate, crest, patch, text based, icon based logo designs... We can even integrate your product or picture in to a logo design. Our professional and talented designers can accomodate any style, logo type, and custom request.
When do you start working on my project?
We will start working on your project as soon as we receive your logo complete order form and payment.
How long does it take before I can see my samples?
Your samples will be presented to you five business days or two business days after we receive your payment, according to the package you choose.
How can I see my logo design samples?
After we receive your payment we will create a personal web page for you and send you the link, where we will upload your logo design samples.
How many changes may I ask for my logo design?
Unlimited changes can be applied to your chosen logo design, until you are 100% satisfied (subject to package details).
Changes include: colors, fonts, layout, size, mix and match elements from different samples...
What if I don't like any of initial logo designs?
We will provide you with a free redraw session. You will be presented with six or more completely new logo design variations (subject to package details).
What if I don't like any of the redraw designs?
We will give you your money back according to our Refund Policy here.
What if I have my own idea for the logo design?
Any ideas or requests for your future logo design you may indicate in your logo request, or contact your project coordinator. Please be as specific as possible. You can also attach any sketches or example files to the initial order form.
Can you redo my existing logo design?
Yes. Please provide us with the latest version of your logo design, and mention it in your logo request. We can clean it up, update, and/or provide alternative variations.
What is the difference between a corporate image and an illustration?
There is a big difference between a corporate image and an illustration. Corporate images are very simple, which makes them unique, memorable and highly recognizable from any distance and at any size. Illustrations tend to be on a details heavy side, with multitude of colors, shadows and image details.
Illustrations are usually a very complicated artwork that looses it's quality when reduced in size. Very busy images like these are hard to read and recognize.
Do you make logo design for products, titles, or names?
Yes, we create any type of graphic identity.
Why my logo samples look less attractive than samples you have online?
We have a unique presentation. Every sample was carefully chosen and placed in the most favorable position on the page. A special background designed to enhance the viewing experience. This is not in any way done to confuse the viewer, but actually to show how the logo looks like in the optimal settings.
We present your samples on a default white background unless otherwise specified in the order form. the background design is not a part of a logo design package.
Will you design a background for my logo?
The background is not a part of a logo. Background design is not included in any of the packages.
Who keeps the rights of the created logo design?
All the rights of the Artwork and Logos we create for our customers belong to our customers.
What files will I get if I order Special or Silver package?
You will get optimised bitmap files for the WEB: (*.GIF 72dpi, *.JPEG 150dpi, PNG-24 (transparent)) , high-resolution image (*.TIFF 300dpi), scalable vector files for printing (*.ai, *.pdf, *eps) in RGB colors.
What files will I get if I order the Golden package?
Everything that we offer in Silver package, plus your stationery layout files (up to 6 business cards, letterhead and envelope design) in RGB and CMYK colors in ready to print vector format AI and PDF (bleed included).
Will you provide me with scalable vector files?
Yes, we provide you with scalable vector files (AI, EPS, PDF).
What is a scalable vector file?
Vector files are files that you can resize, scale, and even change colours or fonts without loosing any quality or resolution on your image. It's best to make GIFs or any other bitmap formats you may need for your web site. Vector files are mostly used by professional designers or print shops.
What is bitmap file?
Bitmap files are a more popular file that are the best to use on the Web. You may use them on most word applications, they are small in size, but hard to modify because of their poor resolution. You may notice a big distortion in your image if you try to scale a bitmap file. The most popular bitmap files are GIF, JPEG, TIFF and BMP.
How can I use vector files?
Vector files are used on specific vector based software applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.
How can I use bitmap files?
Bitmap files may be used in a large variety of software applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Photo Paint or many other programs. They can be opened in most word processing applications such as Microsoft Word and many Web design programs.
Do you do illustrations?
Our packages and prices do not include illustration designs. Please contact us to get our quotes on illustrations.
Does LogoBee have any rights over the logo design?
LogoBee doesn`t register or protect the logo design that it created for its` clients. We provide all the rights for the customers to register their logos. The client is responsible for protecting and registering the rights of his logo. However we closely watch , so no one is using our samples for false advertising without a written permission from LogoBee. No one can use LogoBee logo design samples under his name except the client himself, who has all the rights for the logo design.
What software do you use to create logo designs?
Our designers work with multiple software application, mostly Adobe Illustrator.
Which of the payment methods do you accept, and which don`t?
We accept all the major credit card: Visa, Master Card, Discovery, American Express, and Pay Pal. We do not accept bank transfers, in a special case there is an extra fee of at least $15.
Is your stationery set design custom, or you use templates?
We only provide 100% custom stationery set design. It is based on your logo, and design preferences. We make sure your logo is best presented with matching professional stationery set design.
Can I edit my business cards and stationery?
Yes, you can edit, or change all the information on your business card and stationery.
You will need to have Adobe Illustrator, or Corel Draw installed on your computer, because your stationery files are in a vector format.
What is included in stationery set design package?
The set includes: business card, letterhead, and envelop design. We will provide ready to print files for up to 6 names. You can purchase additional names if necessary.
What if I only need a business card design?
We can provide a design for business card only, it will not affect the price for the stationery set package.
What information can you put on the stationery set?
We can put any information of your choice, text, and pictures.
Can you design double sided business card?
Yes, we can design double sided business card. It is included with our standard stationery set package.
Which files are included in Stationery set kit?
We will provide: *AI, *.PDF in RGB colors, and *PDF in CMYK colors with necessary bleed.
If I purchase your logo Special package, can I upgrade to stationery set design?
Yes, you can upgrade for $90
If I purchase your logo Silver package, can I upgrade to stationery set design?
Yes, you can upgrade for $70
When I print my stationery files colors appear to be slightly different from my screen, why?
This is a great question explained in detail in this article here
What is the best color mode to use for printing?
We recommend Pantone colors.
It is a standard used on every printer in the world that supports spot color process.
When you have your files printed in Pantone colors it will always have exactly same colors.
Your home printer can only print in CMYK colors, so we recommend CMYK colors for home printing.
When printing in CMYK - colors will slightly shift every time you print.
What are Pantone colours?
Pantone colours is a universal stadard. They are used by professional print shops around the world. It helps designers, print shops and customers talk in one language. This type of paint will always look the same color any time you print it.
What is a difference between CMYK and Pantone colours?
CMYK- is a four colour process printing technique, widely used in home printers and even industrial printing.
Pros: relatively less expensive; can print in unlimited amount of colours; can be printed on a home computer.
Cons: colours are not very sharp; printed colours almost always will be in different shades (very hard to control the lightness and saturation of the colours each time it is printed); requires a lot of printer calibration; is limited to a less heavy paper stock.
Conclusion: CMYK is preferable for printing in more than 3 colours. It works best for home and office printing, but is not the best solution for professionally printed stationery.
Pantone – is a spot colour printing technique, only used in professional print shops.
Pros: colors are very sharp and always accurate for every printing; can be printed in very large quantities; can be printed on heavy paper stock and multiple paper surfaces.
Cons: Not the cheapest solution, as it gets very expensive if used more than 3 colors; not suitable for home office printing.
Conclusion: This is the most recommended printing technique for printing high-quality professional stationery; not good for home printing.
Do you provide printing services?
No, unfortunately we do not provide printing services at the moment. We will provide you with all the necessary files for printing in CMYK.
What kind of graphic design services you provide?
We cover all aspects of graphic design services. We can provide custom design for any type of digital or print media for any type of business or organization. It includes but not limited to: brochure, flyer, package, label, crest, patch, banner, poster, stand, magazine ad, folder…
Do you use graphic design templates or clipart?
All the work we do at LogoBee is 100% custom layout design. It is based on your business profile, content, and design preferences. Our in-house professional designers make sure you receive quality, professional artwork suitable for your needs and business. For some projects when heavy graphic illustrations or pictures required, we provide royalty free images from an online library.
How do you determine the price and which package to choose?
The package price mostly depends on the number of pages and in some cases dimensions for the project.
What is a revision?
Within each package we provide an option for free limited changes. When you see your initial designs, you may request additional changes applied to the design. Each revision can include multiple requests but must be submitted within the same day.
What is a stock photo?
Within each package we provide limited number of pictures. We have access to an online library of royalty free pictures. Pictures can be selected by you or our designers.
Can I send my own pictures? How may pictures can I send?
Yes, you can send your own pictures to be included in the project. You can send as many pictures as you like. Make sure your pictures match the standard quality of file required for the project (dimensions, resolution, and quality). All our packages come with complimentary royalty-free images that can be selected by you or designer.
What if I have more than 2 but less than 8 pages content?
You will have to choose the right package covering the number of pages that you have for the project. For example, 4 pages or 6 pages project will be covered by our PACKAGE 1 or 2.
What content can you include?
Any text or pictures you may have we can include in your project. For the images it must match the standard quality of file required for the project (dimensions, resolution, and quality). All our packages come with complimentary royalty-free images that can be selected by you or designer.
What information do you need to start working on the project?
We require all textual content and pictures (if available). We also must have the exact dimensions. In case of folder or package design, you must provide the cut-out template of the item.
How long does it take to design a graphic design project?
We guarantee to provide your initial designs in 5 business days after we receive your complete order form, payment, and all the necessary content and information required for the project. The final artwork will be delivered once you finalized and approved your design.
Which final files do you provide with graphic design packages?
Your final artwork will be provided in vector format: EPS, PDF, AI files. It will include all the necessary bleed.
Can I edit my final files?
Yes, you can edit your final files in vector. You will be required to have vector editing program, such as Adobe Illustrator.
Do you do printing?
No, we do not provide printing services at the moment.
Do you design infomercials?
Yes, we can design any type of infomercial.
Do you do video or animation?
No, unfortunately we do not provide video or animation services at the moment.
What is your price for a custom web-site design?
We have several Tier options you can look at here: Prices & Order page. The price depends on the number of pages and site functionality.
What kind of web sites you design?
We design and build for any type of businesses or organizations. From a simple few pages informative sites to an extensive gallery, catalog and content pages with any type of functionality. All custom build to accommodate your business at best.
Do you use templates?
No, all the work we do is 100% custom. It is tailored made to fit and display your content perfectly. Our design is based on your business profile, design preferences and content.
Do you design sites for e-commerce?
Yes, we provide custom programing solutions for any type of enterprise. We will custom program your site and functionality to fit your needs and requirements.
Can you install Control Management System, so I can edit content of my site?
Yes, we will install our own custom CMS solution. It gives you an access to an online control panel with easy to use functionality to edit textual content of your site and pictures. More advanced solution will allow you to create additional pages and content. No third-party programs are used.
Do you create Word Press sites?
We try to steer away from Word Press and any other third-party programs. We have numerous reports from clients of break ins and hacks involving third party software. We have no reports of break-ins with our own custom program solutions. We can reproduce any function of a Word Press site using our custom programing.
Do you provide custom programing solutions?
Yes, we can accommodate any functionality. Tell us what you need and want to accomplish with your site. We will help you to design and build a custom solution that works for your specific needs.
What information do you need for an estimate?
We only require some basic information:
1) The number of pages
2) All site functionality (if applicable)
What information do you need to stat a web design process?
We start by designing the first two pages of your site. We will require all textual content for at least two first pages (home page must be included).
When will I get my samples and how do I get to see them?
Design samples are usually ready five business days after we receive your order, the payment, and all the necessary information and material. When we start your job, we will set up a project page and send you the link, this is where we present your samples and collect your feedback.
How long does the conversion take?
Time for conversion varies. It depends on the complexity of your site, programing involved, and amount of material and pages. Simple site conversion (up to 5 pages) usually takes five business days after we receive the design approval and all the content for conversion.
What is a revision?
Revision is a change to the website design or programing. If there was a mistake on our part, it will not be counted as a revision. Each web design package has a limited amount of revisions included per price. Some small changes can be combined in to one revision.
What is a stock photo?
A stock photo is a photo taken out of a stock portfolio. Each web design package has a limit on the amount of stock photos per project included in the price. We usually search for appropriate images to enhance your website. Sometimes we edit those images to fit your style. You can also provide us with a limited number of your own photographs or images in a suitable format. These will not be counted as stock photos.
What is a content management system (CMS)?
A content management system (CMS) is a way for you to control your site without any prior internet and programing knowledge. You can edit text or replace pictures, sometimes even creating a new page. It is definitely necessary with any e-commerce package.
What is basic content management system?
Basic CMS includes basic control over some content of your site. It is usually a couple of sections on the page (news update) or editing a few online products.
What is extended content management system?
Extended CMS may include unlimited possibilities for you to control your site and e-commerce. It includes editing full content of the pages, adding or removing pages, full control over e-commerce add , edit remove products and categories.
What is e-commerce?
E-commerce is the ability to sell products or services online.
What is basic e-commerce?
Basic e-commerce gives you an opportunity to display a few products or services online with a basic order form checkout option.
What is extended e-commerce?
Extended e-commerce is a complete solution for your online store. It may include the following options: add, edit, or remove products; add, edit, or remove categories; complete shopping cart solution; online tracking and data recording.
Do you provide payment options for use with e-commerce?
With our e-commerce package we will integrate any payment solution of your choosing. Prior to this you must sign up for a merchant account or any other online payment provider and forward to us all the necessary details for integration.
What kind of payment options do you work with?
We can work with any third-party payment solution, including Pay-Pal. You will have to sign up with any online payment provider of your choice and provide us with the set-up details.
Do you provide domain name registration or hosting services?
No. We do not provide domain name registration or hosting services. As soon as your project is finalized and complete, you will be advised on what kind of hosting setup your website requires. IMPORTANT! Please wait until the project is complete before ordering a hosting plan.
Who will set up my website on a server?
We will do all the set up necessary for your site, given that you have chosen a proper hosting plan advised by our staff (excluding domain registry set up).
Can you reduce the price of the BundleBee package if I don`t need logo or stationery design?
We cannot remove any option from the BundleBee package. Unless you completed a logo project with us. In this case we will reduce the amount you paid to us for your logo project.
Can you split the price or services of the BundleBee package?
No. We can`t split or reduce any of the services or price.
Can you split up the payment?
Yes, we can split total payment if the payment is larger than $1200.
How much do you charge for just a design?
Basic corporate design for 2 pages is $800
Are Tier package prices fixed?
Tier packages are designed to give you an idea of our prices and services. There is no fixed price. We have to collect enough information to properly asses your project and provide you with a final quote.
Who owns rights to the design?
All of the rights of the website we create for our customers belong to our customers. We will provide you with all the source files for your site.
Is there any monthly fee?
No, we only charge one time free according to your initial contract.
Do you provide support after the project is complete?
Yes, we provide up to 6 months (after the date the website was finalized and launched) tech support free of charge for small edits and bugs fixing. After 6 months we give tech support according to our hourly rate.