Custom logo design for an organization advocating for artificial intelligence.
This is a crest type logo design. It features 5 key elements important for the organization (polar bear, psi symbol, AI, fist, gear wheel). It is designed to resemble power and intelligence. This beautiful design can be easily embroidered and reproduced on marketing material. The logo is highly visible, descriptive, and memorable.
Design a logo, emblem for the brand. 5 elements and a sample mockup of one design: 1) Greek psi symbol- universal symbol for psychology 2) Sparks/stars connecting AI to psychology symbol- universal symbol of ai 3) Red gear- synthetic technocracy + universal symbol for engineering+scientists 4) Fist- universal symbol of AI revolution 5) Polar bear - main symbol of the movement - it would be ideal if the polar bear’s head is turned towards the viewer with a menacing look or similar 6) AI symbols (two) - go inside Gear