In order to improve the quality of our service we have decided to upgrade our communication system. With the continued growth of email spam and the difficulties associated with the email delivery we have realized that email is no longer a reliable means of communication. LogoBee has decided to avoid these problems by abandoning the email system altogether. Instead, we have created our own custom-made online communication platform that allows our customers to connect with LogoBee, and vice versa, without using a standard POP email system.
As of now, all the communication between LogoBee and its customers should be channeled through the message board that has been assigned to each project individually. Customers may also contact us by phone. At the start of a new project, the client will receive a link to a personal viewing page and the message board.
There is an option to review the samples, receive the files, and reply to the project coordinator directly from their project’s page. All the communication from LogoBee and a complete message archive is posted on the same page. With everything accessible from one place, we can assist you better and provide a more timely response. LogoBee is constantly working on improving its services and satisfying all of its clients’ needs.