Today, LogoBee has announced the release of brand new logo design templates - both paid and free! Online company LogoBee is known for creating custom logo design, but in fact, the services offered include web design, graphic design and more. Among others, there's logo template design. Logo templates are also logos, the only difference between template design and custom logo design being that templates are created separately, on their own, rather than on the request of a client.
Logo template creation is a new addition to LogoBee's wide palette of services, only added one year ago, when the company started receiving a high number of clients looking for branding options more cost-effective than custom logo design. You can buy an exclusive template or a customized one, you can even get select ones for free. In the end, cost-wise, all of these options are fine alternatives to more expensive, but more personalized custom design.
When you get a logo template for free, LogoBee retains all rights to the template and other clients may use it. In order to use it as your own, you will need to modify it yourself to your liking.
One step above, there is the "Buy Customized" option. With this option, LogoBee will customize the template to suit the client's tastes, modifying fonts, color, layout and other select aspects according to the client's requests. However, the original template remains the property of LogoBee and may be used by further clients.
"Buy Exclusive" option is essentially just like receiving a custom logo, except it's a premade one. But the logo will be customized to fit the client's tastes, then removed from the gallery altogether, never to be used by another client. With the "Buy Exclusive" option, like with custom logo design, you are guaranteed that nobody shall have a logo similar to yours!
Award-winning online logo design company LogoBee has been in the business since 2000, offering logo, website, stationery and graphic design, plus much more. Please visit www.logobee.com or call at 1.888.905.6462 for more information.