Hope Works Santa Rosa gets new logo design
LogoBee holds a logo design Makeover Project every year; this offers non-profit groups a free logo and stationery design package. However, LogoBee continues to work with non-profits all throughout the year. For example, LogoBee recently completed a logo for Hope Works Santa Rosa. This is a faith-based non-profit organization. They work with gang-related youth to integrate their loyalty and skills in to the community and away from street gang activities.
Their program focuses on four major elements. ‘Relationship Building’ to help these youths form positive friendships and relationships, this is done by offering them supportive role models; ‘Community Connection’ they are integrated in to the community through activities like city meetings, etc; ‘Personal Growth Training’ this element is designed to educate the youths about spirituality, making the right decisions and resolving disputes properly; and ‘Jobs’ where the youths are directed towards jobs in the community where their skills will be put to good use.
Executive Director Daryl Reese commented on what it is like helping to redirect these young people towards better lifestyles; he said that “it is rewarding for me because I get to participate in someone experiencing hope and now looks forward to the future.” He also made it clear that the community in Santa Rosa is very supportive of what his organization does. They benefit from the lifestyle change that these youths undergo as well. This rewarding feeling is shared by LogoBee since they feel that working with non-profit groups is good for communities everywhere.
Hope Works Santa Rosa’s new look is meant to convey certain aspects of the organization to the public. Mr. Reese wanted LogoBee to create a logo design that expresses the qualities of hope, new beginnings and freedom; as well as the business related qualities of strong relationships and professionalism. When asked to comment on his new logo design he said, “We got all of that and more! I was highly impressed with the quality of the designs, the speed at which the work was done and the extremely reasonable cost.” LogoBee is glad that Hope Works has faith in their logo design work because they have a lot of faith in the work that they are doing in Santa Rosa.
Additional information about LogoBee:
LogoBee is a logo design and web design company that is based in Montreal, Canada. For more information please visit www.logobee.com. You can send your questions online or call 1-888-905-6462