New Orleans will glimpse the VCL’s new look from LogoBee at this event
This December a conference will be hosted in New Orleans by the Drug Policy Alliance. The VCL, who have spoken out against the current US drug prohibition policy on many occasions, plans to attend. There are many problems associated with this policy such as gang violence, more harmful and impure substances being sold, increased use of cheaper but stronger drugs and higher crime rates caused by addicted individuals. These problems resemble those caused in the 1920’s by the prohibition of alcohol; the VCL was created in that decade to help repeal this act.
Executive Director Roger Goodman’s election to the Washington State Legislature has opened up many doors for the VCL. They plan on expanding into a national organization and Goodman’s connections to state legislative conferences will help them to reach this goal. Deputy Director Rachel Kurtz said that, “He (Mr. Goodman) has traveled to other states and had the opportunity to meet with their legislators and agency heads because of his status.” The VCL hopes to become increasingly well known and open up their membership to more of the population.
Ms. Kurtz said that getting a logo for the VCL was the “first step” in this process of becoming more visible. When asked to comment on her experience as one of the winners of LogoBee’s annual logo design Makeover Project Ms. Kurtz replied: “We are so honored and thankful that LogoBee picked us to do our logo. I feel that we can truly become the organization that we have planned on for years.” The VCL is a great organization and LogoBee looks forward to watching them evolve into a national organization.
Additional information about the VCL:
The Voluntary Committee of Lawyers (VCL) is a non-profit organization that has offices in Washington, New York and Maryland. Please visit their website www.vcl.org for more information about them. If you have any questions please call 206-267-7067 or e-mail roger@vcl.org.
Additional information about LogoBee:
LogoBee is a logo design and web design company that is based in Montreal, Canada. For more information please visit www.logobee.com. You can send your questions online or call 1-888-905-6462