Portland, OR - April 25, 2006 -- LogoBee.com got a big boost recently from the Summit Creative Awards, having won a prize for color logo design earlier this month. The annual awards event received submissions all around the world. Twenty-six different countries took home at least one prize in categories such as print, advertising, video production and graphic design. The complete listing of the awards winners can be found on the Summit Creative Awards website.
LogoBee.com is an online company that focuses primarily on logo design corporate identity. For the awards event they submitted a project they had worked on for Southcentral Therapeutic Riding, Inc., a nonprofit horseback riding corporation based out of Chugiak, Alaska. The organization, also known as STRIDE provides riding lessons to children and adults with special needs and disabilities.
"Many of our clients can't walk, so riding a horse is a tremendously empowering experience for them" said Wendy Givigliano of STRIDE. "One of our initial concepts was to have a logo design showing the horse and rider as one, and we also wanted to have the logo show how our horses can help our clients make giant strides toward better health and fitness."
The logo design concept was to portray the non-verbal connection that takes place between horse and rider, and its positive effect that is brought upon the human spirit. A seemingly easy task, but subtle when considering logo design elements. "I had a lot of fun with this design," said Anna Kuprieva, lead designer of the award-winning project. "The logo's spherical lines allow the horse and rider to be mirrored together, capturing the essence of the company's mission."
Two years after having completed the logo design with LogoBee.com, the riding center continues to be a hit with its clients, and is even looking to expand its services. However, the horses require an extraordinary amount of money and effort to maintain and care for, and need continual financial assistance through non-profit donations. Visit their website for program and donation information.