IPPL unveils new logo from LogoBee.com
While living in Thailand during 1973 Dr. Shirley McGreal was shocked by the sight of monkeys held in crates waiting to be shipped out of Bangkok Airport. She realized that primates were being stolen from their habitats to live under terrible conditions in captivity, often subjected to lethal experiments. The consideration for the well-being of primates was of secondary importance compared to the profit motive. Primates continue to be captured for use as pets, food in exotic restaurants, traditional medicines, lab animals, and entertainment in zoos. Dr. McGreal founded the International Primate Protection League (IPPL) that year to ensure that proper care was given to primates in captivity, and to stop the cruel trade that exploits the primate species.
The IPPL supports the creation and maintenance of proper sanctuaries, both in America and countries where primates are native, where rescued primates can live in safety. Since 1977, IPPL has operated its own sanctuary for rescued gibbons, the smallest of the apes. Also, the IPPL’s investigations, protests and collaborative work have resulted in bans on the trade of monkeys in places like India and Bangladesh. IPPL has also brought to justice wildlife traders Matthew Block and Walter Sensen. Currently, IPPL is advocating for primates at meetings like the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species where the trade in slow lorises (small, nocturnal primates) was just prohibited. In 2003, the IPPL was recognized by Prince Philip in a special tribute.
Recently the IPPL was one of LogoBee’s Non-Profit Makeover winners. A leading logo design house based in Montreal, LogoBee has helped redesign IPPL’s public image. The LogoBee designers used a photo of a Gibbon to create a modern logo design that captures the spirit of the IPPL. The new logo makes reference to the habitat of gibbons, which are often in the tree-tops. “We haven’t had much time or funds to spend on branding and marketing, as a grassroots non-profit, so the service provided by LogoBee was wonderful for us,” Dr. McGreal noted. “Sharon Strong (IPPL’s program coordinator), who worked closely with the LogoBee staff, is a perfectionist, but even she is delighted that the project turned out so well.” Sharon added that she is looking forward to using the new logo on IPPL’s letterhead, website, newsletter, and business cards.
About the International Primate Protection League:
IPPL is based in Summersville, South Carolina, USA, where it maintains a sanctuary for gibbons. IPPL also offers assistance through financial, logistical, and advisory support to primate rescue centers and pro-wildlife groups worldwide. For more information, please visit their website at www.ippl.org or contact them via phone at (843)-871-2280 or e-mail: info@ippl.org.
Additional information about LogoBee:
LogoBee is a logo design and web design company that is based in Montreal, Canada. For more information please visit www.logobee.com. You can send your questions online or call 1-888-905-6462