Logobee announces new logo design makeover specially for environmental companies
It's no secret that the Earth's environment is in grave danger. As mankind reaches for places never reached before, the risk of environmental hazards increases drastically. The recent Deepwater Horizon spill is just one sign of the problems yet to come. It is thus thankful that when humanity messes up, certain organizations set out to right what goes wrong – without expecting a penny in return.
Now, Logobee sets out to pay tribute to these organizations. The award-winning logo design company knows well that logos are of utmost importance for any business, be it profit or non profit. Certainly, the logo is the face and the clothes of the company, the first impression it produces, and this impression had better be good if people are to adhere to said company's ideas. To help environmental organizations change the world we live in, Logobee has decided to hold a bonus to their highly successful Logo Design Makeover. Logobee will offer one of them a Golden package (logo and stationery design, originally priced at 425$) for free – or refine their existing logo to make it edgier, more fashionable – so that even those who want nothing to do with environmental conservation would stop and take a second look, as well as a second thought. Logobee has been hosting Logo Design Makeovers since 2005, helping 31 organizations, including environmental ones such as International Primate Protection League and Project AWARE Foundation, but this year has decided to do more in the light of recent events such as the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Any environmentally concerned non profit organization may enter, with no entry charges. Applications may be submitted here: http://www.logobee.com/contact/contest-premier.htm Submissions are accepted up to the 27th of October. The winner will be announced on the 29th of October. Good luck!
About LogoBee:
Award-winning online company LogoBee Logo Design has been offering professional services through their website, www.logobee.com, since 2000. The firm specializes in logo design for all types of businesses, but also offers stationery design, brochure and flier design, website design, and more.
LogoBee launches Special Green Issue of Logo Design Makeover, a contest open to environmentally concerned charities and non-profit organizations. 1 winning entries will receive logo design and stationery design.