Logobee launches new logo design makeover for chiropractic companies
Where more standard medicine fails, people turn their attention to other means of healing. Those include acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy and many more, but none are as widely recognized as chiropractic, a discipline that primarily uses manual therapy to heal the body, and particularly the spine, ever-important pillar that supports the body and also serves as the seat of the central nervous system. Chiropractic may ignite controversy, but evidence "for" is strong enough to consider it as a solid branch of healthcare.
Now, LogoBee sets out to aid chiropractors in getting the respect they deserve. This multiple award-winning Logobee has been hosting Logo Design Makeovers since 2005, but has only recently begun to offer makeovers to specific types of companies. Last year, LogoBee has conducted a makeover for environmentally concerned non profit companies. This year, any chiropractor may enter for free, be it one starting a brand new business or a weathered professional. The winner shall receive a Logobee Golden Package (originally priced 425$), that is high quality logo and stationery design, all for free! If the winner already has a logo, then Logobee may also refine and improve it instead of changing the design altogether, so as to make the logo more modern, edgy and competitive.
Why should standard medicine get all the glory? LogoBee understands that sometimes, health is not only about drugs, vaccines and pills. When low back pain, neck pain or headaches strike, one should not instantly think about gobbling up boxes of painkillers. There is a branch of medicine, trusted and tested, no chemicals added, which just might help.
Any chiropractic company or organization may enter, with no entry charges. Applications may be submitted here: www.logobee.com/contact/contest-premier.htm Submissions are accepted up to the 24th of February. The winner will be announced on the 25th of February. Good luck!
About LogoBee:
Award-winning online company LogoBee Logo Design has been offering professional services through their website, www.logobee.com, since 2000. The firm specializes in logo design for all types of businesses, but also offers stationery design, brochure and flier design, website design, and more.